Posted on Monday, April 26, 2021 | News & Announcements

Wyoming’s Department of Public Works is partnering with Kent County and other are agencies to bring the fifth annual Work Zone Safety Poster Contest for third-grade students. Wyoming also plans to host two public works parade routes on May 19 from 5 - 7:30 p.m.
Fleets Through The Streets Parades
Wyoming’s Public Works Department will bring two neighborhood parades through Wyoming in honor of National Public Works Week instead of the normal Public Works Open House.
We invite residents to enjoy the parade from their porch, yard, driveway or a public park to allow for safe physical distancing outdoors. Please feel free to give us a wave as we pass by. We look forward to seeing you!
Wednesday, May 19
5 - 7:00 p.m.
Parade Route Maps
North and South Parade Routes PDF

Poster Contest
From April 26 - May 12, third graders are invited to submit a caution sign that helps spread an important safety tip for those traveling through a work zone. This year’s entry options have been tailored to accommodate both in-person and remote learning environments, seeking to make it easier for students to participate either from school or home. Winning entries will be announced during Public Works Week, May 16 – 22, and will be used by local road agencies on various outreach platforms to promote work zone safety.
How to participate: Third-grade students are asked to design a “caution sign” that focuses on one of the following safety tips for driving through a work zone:
- Stay Focused/Avoid Distractions. Dedicate your full attention to driving. Avoid distractions like using a phone, eating or adjusting dashboard controls like the radio.
- Obey Flaggers and Work Zone Signs. Flaggers are people who help direct traffic safely through work zones. It is important that motorists obey directions given by flaggers and any temporary traffic control signs or devices. These help to define a safe path through the work zones.
- Slow Down, Move Over. Workers are often just feet away from motorists. That’s why Michigan’s “Move Over” law requires drivers to move over one lane when an emergency or road agency vehicle is on the side of the road with its lights flashing. If it is not possible to move into another lane due to traffic, weather, or road conditions, the motorist should slow down and pass with caution.
How to Create the Sign:
- Use the Sign Template (can be printed on 8.5 x 11 paper) OR
- Draw the sign (in the shape of a diamond)
How to Submit your Sign:
- Families - Scan or take a picture of the student's "warning sign" and email it to Maura Lamoreaux at Make sure to include the student’s name as you would like it to appear. Parents or guardians may also post the design to their own Facebook or Instagram and tag @CityOfWyoming.
- Teachers - Teachers may submit their class’ entries at one time following directions provided on the Poster Contest Submission Cover Sheet.
Announcement of Winners
Winners will be announced during National Public Works Week, May 16 – 22. Winners will receive a special prize of recognition but all participants will receive a "Certificate of Appreciation".
Deadline to Submit
Return your submissions by 5:00 p.m., Wednesday, May 12, 2021.
More information: Contest instructions, template and educational work zone videos are available at

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News & Announcements