Chemical Survey

  • Information:  This survey is requested to determine the quantity of specific chemical groups used, produced or stored in your facility.  Fire Chiefs are required to collect chemical data under the Michigan Occupational Safety and Health Act (MiOSHA), P.A. 154 of 1974, as amended, and the Fire Prevention Code, P.A. 207 of 1941, as amended.

    Instructions:  Indicate below whether your site uses or produces any of the chemical types listed.  Check all the categories that apply when a chemical has more than one characteristic (example: both a Class 3 flammable and a Class 6 poison), see definitions.  Each chemical group listed in this survey includes a specified quantity.  Indicate the quantity category for each chemical group on your site.  To complete this survey, you may need to reference Material Safety Data Sheets or SARA Title III reporting forms, along with the attached definitions.

    (Note: You must complete each line.  Do not leave blanks.  If you do not use a chemical group listed, mark the “DO NOT HAVE” box.)

    When substantial changes occur in the quantity or type of chemical use, manufacture or related storage, a revised survey must be submitted to the Fire Chief.  In addition, a revised survey will be requested periodically as the Fire Chief deems necessary, but at least once every five years.

    This survey may be followed-up with a request for more detailed information.  This may include a request for Material Safety Data Sheets, chemical lists maintained under the Employee Right to Know provisions of MiOSHA and other information.


  • Emergency Contacts: (Include Private Alarm/Security Companies)

  • CLASS 1 - Explosives

  • Explosive & Blasting Agents
    (Not including Class C Explosives)

  • Any Quantity

  • CLASS 2 - Gases

  • Poison Gas

  • Any Quantity

  • Flammable Gas

  • 100 gal. water capacity

  • Non-Flammable Gas

  • 100 gal. water capacity

  • CLASS 3 - Flammable and Combustible Liquids

  • Flammable Liquid

  • 1,000 gal.

  • Combustible Liquid

  • 10,000 gal.

  • CLASS 4 - Flammable Solids

  • Flammable Solid (Dangerous when wet)

  • 100 lbs.

  • Flammable Solid

  • 500 lbs.

  • Spontaneously Combustible Material

  • 100 lbs.

  • CLASS 5 - Oxidizing Substances, Organic Peroxides

  • Oxidizer

  • 500 lbs.

  • Organic Peroxide

  • 250 lbs.

  • CLASS 6 - Toxic Substances and Infectious Substances

  • Poison

  • 500 lbs.

  • Irritating Material: Liquid

  • 1,000 gallons

  • Irritating Material: Solid

  • 500 lbs.

  • CLASS 7 - Radioactive Materials

  • Radioactive Material (Yellow III Label)

  • Any Quantity

  • CLASS 8 - Corrosives

  • Corrosives: Liquid

  • 1,000 gallons

  • Corrosives: Solid

  • 500 lbs.

  • No D.O.T. Category

  • Known Human Carcinogen

  • Any Quantity