Election Administration
At the City Clerk’s Office, we administer all elections for the schools and City, federal, state, and county government. We follow election laws and procedures that include many duplicative steps to provide a safe and secure election. We’re honored to serve you all. Happy voting, Wyoming!
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Voter and Ballot Information
Michigan Voter Information System
You can view your voter details and a sample ballot at mi.gov/vote. You can find out important information for election day, including:
- Registration status
- Voting location
- Sample ballots
- Absentee ballot status
- and more!
Upcoming Election Days
August 6, 2024 - State Primary
November 5, 2024 - State General
Become an Election Worker
We are always looking for election workers to add to our roster!
Step 1: Make sure you’re eligible. You must 16 years old or older. If 18 years or older, you must be a registered voter in the State of Michigan. You cannot be a challenger, candidate, or member of a candidate's immediate family. Anyone convicted of a felony or an election crime may not serve as an election worker.
Step 2: Complete the application. Download, print, and complete the election inspector application. 16 and 17 year olds may complete the youth inspector application. If you don’t have a printer, you can pick one up in person or call us to request one be mailed to your address.
Step 3: Submit your application. You can bring your application to us in person, by mail, or send it by email to clerk_info@wyomingmi.gov.
Step 4: Complete election worker training. Once we’ve successfully processed your application and assigned you to a precinct, we’ll send you information about how to complete training. We’ll have remote and in-person training opportunities to make it convenient for you.
Step 5: Work election day! You need to be at your assigned precinct at 6:00 a.m. on election day. Follow your election manual to begin to set up the precinct. Once the polls open at 7:00 a.m. follow the instructions of your chairperson and the manual for your assigned position. At the end of the night, you’ll help your precinct complete the closing tasks using the training manual and materials. You got this! You’re an election hero!
Register to Vote
Let’s get you registered to vote! Make sure you review all the instructions on the voter registration application.
Step 1: Make sure you’re eligible. You must be a U.S. citizen, a City of Wyoming resident for at least 30 days, at least 18 years old, and not currently serving a sentence in jail or prison. Check mi.gov/vote to see if you are already registered.
Step 2: Complete the application. Download, print, and complete the voter registration application. If you don’t have a printer, you can pick one up in person or call us a request one be mailed to your address.
Step 3: Submit your application. You can bring your application to us in person or send it by mail. If you’ve never voted in Michigan before, be sure to include all the needed identification listed on the application.
Step 4: You’ll receive a voter identification card. Once we’ve successfully processed your application, you’re ready to vote! Check mi.gov/vote to verify your voting location and view sample ballots.
Vote Absentee
Request Your Absentee Ballot
You can request an application for an absentee ballot by completing the Request an Absentee Ballot Application, calling us at 616.530.7296, or emailing us at clerk_info@wyomingmi.gov. When you receive your application to vote absentee, return it to our office by mail, in person, or via email. Once your application is verified, we’ll send your ballot.
When Ballots will be Sent
We'll start sending ballots out approximately 6 weeks before the election. Voters who have already completed and returned their application to vote absentee will be among the first to receive ballots.
Absentee ballot applications received after this, will be processed and mailed as they come in. These voters generally receive their ballots within two weeks.
Check the Status of your Absentee Ballot
Visit mi.gov/vote and select voter information. Fill out your details to see your voter profile. You’ll see a section called Absentee Ballot. It shows important dates in the absentee voting process. You’ll see:
- the date of the election
- the date the Clerk’s Office received your application to vote absentee
- the date the Clerk’s Office mails your absentee ballot
- the date the Clerk’s Office receives your absentee ballot

Return your Absentee Ballot by 8:00 p.m. on Election Day
- By mail in the postage-paid envelope provided (domestic ballots only)
- Ballot Drop Box behind City Hall, access off DeHoop (1155 28th St SW)
- In-person at City Hall until 8 p.m. on Election Day
Vote in Person on Election Day
Polls open at 7:00 a.m. and close at 8:00 p.m. Please note the following to ensure a smooth process for in-person voting:
What to Expect on Election Day:
- Double-check your Precinct Location: Before you leave the house, visit mi.gov/vote to make sure you’re going to the right location.
- What not to Wear: Before you leave home, make sure you are not bringing any political material into the precinct, including political hats, shirts, masks, or brochures. This is considered campaigning and is illegal within 100 feet of the precinct location.
- Social Distance: When you arrive at the precinct, you may have to wait in a line. Keep your distance from others and we highly encourage you to wear a mask.
- Application to Vote: Your first task is to complete the application to vote. This is one of the checks and balances we have on election day. Fill out the information requested.
- Present your Photo ID: Hand your completed application to vote and your photo ID to the election worker. If you do not have a photo ID, you’ll sign the affidavit on the back of the application to vote. The election worker will verify your information matches the details in the e-pollbook. Once verified successfully, you’ll be issued a ballot.
- Fill out your Ballot: Bring your ballot to a voting booth to vote in private. Keep your ballot in the secrecy sleeve.
- Cast your Ballot: Bring your ballot to the election worker at the tabulator. They will verify your ballot number matches the number on the application to vote. Once verified, they will remove the stub that contains the ballot number, making your ballot anonymous. You’ll then insert your ballot into the tabulator.
- Sport your “I Voted” Sticker: Don’t forget to grab your “I Voted” sticker before you leave to show off your participation. Way to vote!
Same-Day Registration
Following voter-approved election changes in 2018, Michigan residents now have the option to register in-person with their local clerk on Election Day. Once registered, each voter will have the choice to vote absentee or drive to the polling location to vote in-person. If a voter wishes to vote absentee, staff will provide the necessary application for an absentee ballot and then issue the ballot. If a voter wishes to vote in the precinct, staff will provide a registration receipt that must be shown to election workers at the precinct.
Election Results
We report our election results directly to Kent County. Visit the County's Election Reporting Webpage for real-time updates and unofficial results. Candidates seeking information on voter history can view this Information for Candidates – City of Wyoming Voter History