The Wyoming City Council has adopted Wyoming [re]Imagined as its new Master Plan – a community-driven roadmap for city growth and reinvestment over the next 15 to 20 years.
The Wyoming [re]Imagined plan provides a framework for land use, development and infrastructure investments, transportation planning and more. Based on community input, the plan will inform planning decisions that shape how people live, work and play in Wyoming.
“My fellow councilmembers and I are proud to have adopted our new Master Plan because of the community voice that it reflects,” Mayor Jack Poll said. “We are excited to work alongside our neighbors, businesses and partners to support our city’s expected growth over the next 20 years. Wyoming [re]Imagined provides us with a community framework on how to support diverse housing development, improve transportation systems and boost economic development activities.”
The Plan prioritizes and sets goals and objectives to guide decisions. It identifies specific projects, policies and programs to help the city meet the objectives and desired outcomes set by the community.
Wyoming [re]Imagined provides strategies to reinvest in existing neighborhoods while fostering new housing development and increasing housing affordability and accessibility. The plan provides a framework for diversifying housing options, improving aging commercial corridors and continuing to offer excellent park access for community members. It recommends policies to help revitalize commercial districts while growing industrial and medical sectors.
The plan identifies best practices to improve utility and infrastructure management. It also seeks to improve safety for all modes of travel, invest in placemaking design and optimize traffic efficiency.
Wyoming [re]Imagined identifies five special area plans that highlight key concepts and strategies for land use and development, multimodal connectivity and placemaking. The special area plans include sections of 28th Street SW, Wilson Avenue SW, Burton Street SW, Division Avenue SW and the Kelvinator industrial site near Clyde Park Avenue SW and Grandville Avenue SW. These plans provide insight on how citywide policies can be applied to specific neighborhoods and sites throughout the community.
The new Master Plan was adopted by the City Council on March 1, following approval by Wyoming’s Planning Commission in February.
The plan is the result of more than 16 months of community engagement that included a steering committee of 20 stakeholders who helped anchor the planning process with a community perspective. Committee members represented different segments of Wyoming, including residents, business representatives, local government and school officials, service providers and other community stakeholders.
City staff used a variety of ways to gain in-depth perspective from the community. The planning team engaged with community members through workshops, focus groups, interviews, special event outreach, online surveys, social media and more. They spoke with students, older adults, businesses, community organizations and many others to identify the community’s vision for the future of the city.
“We are excited to start implementing the community’s vision that is detailed in Wyoming [re]Imagined,” City Planner Nicole Hofert said. “While the planning process lasted 16 months, the implementation of the plan is a 15- to 20-year process. This is an action-oriented plan, and we are committed to having our community members continue to work with us and hold us accountable to their vision.”
For more information and to read the plan, visit www.wyomingmi.gov/reimagined.
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