Press & Media

Wyoming Department of Public Safety Storm Damage Update

Posted on Friday, July 07, 2017 | Press & Media, News & Announcements

On Friday, July 7, at approximately 3:00 a.m. the City of Wyoming experienced another weather event of high winds and rain that resulted in numerous downed trees and powerlines. We appreciate the hard work of our Public Works and Public Safety staff during the event and the cleanup that continues.

We wish to inform the public that nearly all of the major intersections are on generator power or some other traffic control measures. We want to remind the motoring public to continue to slow their speeds and be very watchful for other traffic as we work through these temporary changes to the intersections until the power can be restored.

We are working very close with Consumers Energy and our Public Works Department to be able to clear the roadway and public right-of-way of storm debris. Our Public Works Department cannot go into the areas to clear this debris until the power lines have been removed and we ask for your patience. Please watch for power lines and stay at least 25 feet from them.

Also with the storm there are some overhead hanging branches stuck in the trees that can suddenly release and plummet to the ground. A reminder that the City of Wyoming Yard Waste Site will remain open 24 hours a day through Monday evening and the hours of operation will be reassessed at that time.

Again we ask for your patience as we work through this storm event.

For further information, follow the City's Facebook page at or contact the City of Wyoming Department of Public Safety at 616.530.7300.

Posted in: Press & Media, News & Announcements